Thursday, June 20, 2013


A lady who was badly injured in the explosion also says we have to discuss the Religion of Rape more, and not adhere to PC trash (via Jihad Watch):
A Boston Marathon bombing victim hospitalized for weeks after the blasts lashed out at the mother of the accused bombers, calling Zubeidat Tsarnaeva “vile” for her jihad-laced rants and denials.

Michelle L’Heureux, a 38-year-old John Hancock consultant, told the Herald yesterday it’s time to stop being “politically correct” and speak out — making her one of the first victims to stand up to the terror-talking Chechen family.

“I feel a little bit of hatred towards her. I think she is a vile person,” L’Heureux said of the mom. “If you don’t like our country, get out. It’s as simple as that.”

L’Heureux lost most of her left knee in the blasts, and 30 percent of her hearing in her left ear. Her left arm is riddled with shrapnel scars, and there’s a piece of metal still inside her leg. She was 8 feet away from the first blast on Boylston Street. She came to the city to see her boyfriend cross the finish line.

“To come in and hurt all these children and people. ... I don’t know any other religion that kills for their religion and think they are going to heaven. That part’s tough to understand,” she said. [...]

“A Muslim terrorist bombed us, and people need to start talking about that more, instead of being so politically correct,” L’Heureux said. “The more politically correct we are, and the more ‘Oh, let’s not hurt their feelings,’ the more they’re going to be able to do these type of things.
Excellent common sense. It is the silence of the dhimmis that enables and encourages the jihadists to commit their obscene assaults on human dignity, and that's something that needs to be overcome. And the mother of the jihadists should be called other things besides vile: she should also be called filthy excrement. People who raise their children on hate and evil are asking to be called some of the most vulgar things possible.

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