Monday, June 24, 2013

The Strange, Sad Tale Of Coy Boy, the Six Year Old "Transgendered Child", and The Activist Parents Who Set Him Up To Be a Girl

It's not a girl. It's not a boy. It's a Coy Boy.

Where would a first grade boy even get the idea he wants to use the girl's bathroom?

From CNN:
A transgender first-grader who was born a boy but identifies as a girl has won the right to use the girls’ restroom at her Colorado school. 
The Colorado Rights Division ruled in favor of Coy Mathis in her fight against the Fountain-Fort Carson School District. 
Coy’s parents had taken her case to the commission after the district said she could no longer use the girls’ bathroom at Eagleside Elementary. 
In issuing its decision, the state’s rights division said keeping the ban in place “creates an environment that is objectively and subjectively hostile, intimidating or offensive.” 
Coy’s mother, Kathryn Mathis, said she’s thrilled that Coy can return to school and put this behind her.
The kid's name is "Coy". He's a boy who identifies as a girl.

So at six years of age, his mother is already taking cases to the School District.

Do you think, perhaps, that name, Coy, was given on purpose?

Do you think, perhaps, Coy Boy's parents had an agenda before Coy Boy was born?

UPDATE - In this interview, we find that Coy's parents do have other "kids". The other kids are, apparently, not demanding to use the bathrooms for the opposite sex.

But initially, in response to the fact that Coy (who is a boy) would not be allowed to use the girl's bathroom, Coy's parents decision was to remove all their children from the school.


Having seen that video, what do you think?

Let's be clear, what the parent are fighting for is this: 

They want their boy/girl, Coy, to be able to use his penis in the girl's bathroom. 

They want him to be able to pull out his penis and urinate in the girl's bathroom. 

Note that the mother gives the following statement, as her reason:

"We just want Coy to have the same opportunity as all the other children."

Do you think these parents are just troublemakers, or are they parent's who are so obsessed with the feelings of their children that they have become completely myopic?

Or, do they have a point?

For my part, I don't want any penises in the bathrooms that my daughters use at their school, or at any place where they will frequent as children.

Is that too much to ask?


Here's more information I am digging up on Kathryn Mathis and her family:
Welcome Kathryn!  First off, why don’t you tell us a little about you and your family.I am a mom of 4 amazing, wonderful, awesome children (and one on the way!).  Dakota is 5 1/2 years old and has Autism. Coy, Max, and Lily are 3 1/2 year old triplets. Coy is our special little neuro-typical child. Max is also on the Autism spectrum. Lily had a very bad brain injury as a 4 month old and is about like having a 1-2 month old baby, but is so much fun (and feisty!).  I work full time at home as Lily’s nurse as well as being a professional photographer outside the home.  My husband, Jeremy, is a full time student at two colleges and should be done with school in Spring 2012.







It seems Kathryn Mathis always had a thing for "Special Needs Children". She wanted to be a Neonatologist specializing in helping kids with Special Needs:
What did you want to be when you grew up? How does your real life today compare? 
Interestingly enough, I wanted to be a Neonatologist that specialized in special needs babies. While I’m not a Dr, I did end up in the health care field and work 24/7 with my special needs kiddos. I also dedicate part of my photography business to volunteer photography of special needs children, infants in the NICU, and terminal (or passed) children. 
And then, sadly, she wound up with four children, two Autistic, one brain-injured child, and a Transgendered.

Here's a little something to contemplate:

Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy:
Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP or MBP) is a controversial term that is used to describe a behavior pattern in which a caregiver deliberately exaggerates, fabricates, and/or induces physical, psychological, behavioral, and/or mental health problems in those who are in their care.
They do it to get attention.

Yeah, and then there's this article on Kathryn and Jeremy Morris, form the Gay and Lesbian Alliance:
Kathryn and Jeremy write:
They gave Coy three options for where to go to the bathroom; the boys' room, the staff bathroom with adults, or the nurse's bathroom which is used by sick children.
Coy is not sick, she is not an adult, and she is not a boy.
Coy is a girl. She wears girls' clothes, is addressed by everyone at the school using female pronouns, and has been accepted by her classmates and teachers as a girl. But if the school separates her from all her classmates to use the bathroom, they are singling her out for mistreatment, and teaching her classmates that it's okay to discriminate.


  1. I don't know who is sicker...the boy/girl's mother, the Judge who allows this"thing" to exhibit his penis to little girls or our society that allows this insanity.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So scary, that the whole world would rally to the aid of one little biological boy, and nobody stands up for all the little girls who also have a right to their own privacy. suddenly all the children at that school have to deal with sexual issues just because one mom couldn't tell her son that he is a boy and therefore goes to the boys room.
    Look at it that way: when one of my kids get a toy, the other one wants it too. that's how little kids act. Now all the little sisters get a lot of little girl's things, and Coy wants that too. Nothing wrong with it. He wants to feel special like his sisters. The true human act would be teaching him gently he is special AND a boy, not to teach him he has to turn into a girl to get the things girls have.

  3. I don't have a problem with what people want themselves to be. What I have a problem with- is them wanting attention and special privileges.I am SO tired of the parades and the signs and the attention these people crave. Live and let live is fine. But when it comes to our head of HUD here in Florida tweeting daily about fighting for the rights of lgbts to get apts here, when I, as a 54 yr old disabled woman cannot get one for the past 15 months and remain homeless is complete Bull shit. This is what I mean about the attention.This guy Julian Castro is going completely OVERBOARD on the topic. I would like some of his attention ALSO,and I'm quite sure the military veterans would too. I consider this discrimination against those of us who are NOT lgbts.Soon I will embark on a lawsuit against this guy.
