Monday, June 10, 2013


Geert Wilders (via Creeping Sharia, New English Review and Front Page Magazine) found a public poll showing that the Dutch have become fed up to the chin with Islam:
A poll conducted by the research bureau of Maurice de Hond (the Dutch equivalent of Gallup), commissioned by the PVV, among a representative sample of over 1,900 people also shows other striking results:

A majority of 55 percent favors stopping immigration from Islamic countries.

63 percent say: no new mosques.

72 percent favor a constitutional ban on Sharia law in the Netherlands.

64 percent say that the arrival of immigrants from Islamic countries has not been beneficial to the Netherlands.

Nearly three-quarters – 73 percent – of all Dutch see a relationship between Islam and the recent terror acts in Boston, London and Paris.

PVV leader Geert Wilders: “The results are very clear. The Netherlands has had enough of Islam. The majority do not want new immigrants from Islamic countries, nor any new mosques. They think that Islam is no enrichment for the Netherlands and say: Enough is enough. I will confront the Dutch government with these findings and demand that we finally stop the Islamisation of the Netherlands. For a long time is has been claimed that anti-Islamic opinions are extremist. It is clear now that a majority of our people supports them!”
The official poll can be found here in PDF. Much like the recent polls taken in France, this is equally encouraging news. And when there's people waking up to the threat of Islam, there's reason for hope.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm no longer blogging, I predicted several years ago that there would soon be a European backlash against Islam and Muslim immigrants.
