Friday, June 14, 2013


If this is correct, it's something that needs to be worried about and dealt with:
A new poll published by Ariel University shows that the number of Israelis who support maintaining Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) is shrinking. However, a majority still oppose a major withdrawal in the region.

Israelis are increasingly coming to see Judea and Samaria communities as a financial burden, and are growing less likely to see them as necessary for security, according to the survey, which tracked trends in responses as well as the current public sentiment.

A growing number of Israelis see the communities as an “obstacle to peace.” Fewer see Israelis living in Judea and Samaria as being “like any other Israeli citizen.”

Forty-eight percent of respondents described themselves as “right wing” politically, down from 57%. An increasing number said they were “centrist” or “left wing.”

Respondents were also asked about their opinion on what Israel should do with its communities in Judea and Samaria. While the survey found a decrease in support for annexation of all of Judea and Samaria, more Israelis said they supported annexing just part of the region.

The most dramatic changes pollsters noted were a more than two-fold increase in the number of respondents who said they support a large-scale withdrawal from Judea and Samaria – from 10% to 23% - and a major decrease in the number who said they oppose the demolition of any Israeli community in the region (24%, down from 46%).

When asked if Israel should “fight to the end against the hilltop youth and Jewish lawbreakers in Judea and Samaria,” 37% of respondents said “yes,” compared to 22% in a previous poll.

The poll found an increase in support among Israelis for transferring Israeli-Arab communities to Palestinian Authority control under a future peace deal. There was also an increase in demand for the PA to respect Jewish rights in Judea and Samaria, with more Israelis saying the PA should be willing to accept Israelis living in the region as citizens, and should guarantee continued Jewish access to Jewish holy sites.
They see nothing wrong with ceding land that, aside from being Jewish, could also be used to fire rockets from, as the Hamas has been and will still end up doing? And they don't understand what taqqiya is? Because that's what the PLO goes by, and would not for even a second respect Jewish access to holy sites.

One of the spokesmen for Hevron's Jewish community said:
A recent study by Ariel University showing decreasing support for the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) should be a wake-up call, says Noam Arnon, one of the leaders of Hevron’s Jewish community.

Most Israelis still support Judea and Samaria, he said. But the trend indicated by the survey shows a need for a serious response.

The new media of today’s generation has had a deep impact on society, Arnon told Arutz Sheva’s Yoni Kempinski. The Yesha Council and other Judea and Samaria leaders must learn to “speak the new speak, the new media,” he said.

Every week, Arnon takes hundreds of people to tour Hevron. The personal encounter with Jewish history is “very, very effective” he reported.

Arnon suggested ways that the Yesha Council could help Israelis forge a similar connection with other parts of the land.

He also explained why the public’s theoretical willingness to give up Judea and Samaria for peace is dangerous, even when most Israelis believe there is no peace partner.
If they were taught more about the beliefs in the Koran, that could help forge an understanding of what's dangerous.

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