Friday, June 14, 2013


The International Business Times wrote about Marine Le Pen's battle against Islamofascism in France, and also notes she was more respectable about Judaism this time:
Le Pen asserted that the problem with Islam is its visibility, i.e., women wearing veils and burqas, people eating halal and observing prayers in public. Even though there are extremists in every religion, she said that “Catholicism or Judaism ... respect France’s secularism, because they do not have any visible signs.”
If this was recently she made this statement, it's certainly a lot better than the time she said kippas (skullcaps) should be banned along with burkas, which was stupid not just because she failed to avoid potential moral equations, but also because Muslim women's religious garb is more the cause of concern here, not Jewish men's. Or just women's garb and not men's, if it matters. And kippas do not conceal the face/head like a veil does.

They also bring up the subject of the EU parliament revoking her immunity. Since it's based on her criticism of Islam, that's why it certainly is cause for concern, since they're obviously not acting altruistically. She could help herself now by avoiding making any more statements that Jewish (and Christian) Europeans would consider offensive, since they're the least of France and Europe's problems and at a time like this it would be better not to alienate the wrong crowds. The FN may have a chance of winning nearly 20 percent in the Europarliament, so she'd best concentrate on the real dangers that are Islam. That way, she might even be forgiven by anybody who got mad at her earlier.

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