Thursday, June 13, 2013


This despite their abhorrence of Ahmedinejad and dictatorial tactics. The Times of Israel (via World Net Daily) says:
NEW YORK — Iranians favor implementing Sharia law in Iran by a huge majority — 83 percent to just 15 opposed — according to a new survey of Iranians published Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

A majority of Iranian Muslims already believe that is the case in the country. Over one-third, 37%, believe Iran’s current system follows Sharia law “very closely,” while another 45% say it follows Muslim religious law “somewhat closely.” Among the 13% who believe Sharia law is largely not being implemented in Iran, a large majority, 78%, believe it should be.

The survey, published three days before Friday’s Iranian presidential election, found strong support for Islamic-inspired government in the country, despite the belief of many Westerners that the 2009 elections signaled a desire among Iranians to liberalize or overthrow the religious institutions that control the Iranian state.
That's the elephant in the room - despite ostensible detestment of totalitarianism, they fail to grasp that all Ahmedinejad's steps stem from Islam. The religion is all they know, and with little or nothing to provide an alternative to think about, they can only think to condone more of the same and ultimately remain unchanged. As a result, even if the Iranian dictatorship as it stands now is one day defeated, the replacement will be no different if no other belief systems are allowed space to provide alternatives. And, as a result, more nuclear warfare and other such horrors will continue to remain a threat in Iran.

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