Monday, May 06, 2013


This is what he's suggesting following Israel's airstrike to retaliate for Syria's own recent hostilities:
WASHINGTON - Israel's air strikes on Syria could add pressure on the Obama administration to intervene in Syria, a key Republican said on Sunday, but the US government faces tough questions on how it can help without adding to the conflict.

Hours after Israeli jets bombed Syria on Sunday for the second time in 48 hours, several top US lawmakers voiced concern over the cascading uncertainty in the Middle East where a civil war has been raging in Syria for more than two years.

Republican Senator John McCain said the latest Israeli air strikes, described by a Western source as attacks on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah, will just put more pressure on the administration to act although US President Barack Obama has said he has no plans to send ground troops to Syria.

"We need to have a game-changing action, and that is no American boots on the ground, establish a safe zone and to protect it and to supply weapons to the right people in Syria who are fighting, obviously, for the things we believe," McCain said on "Fox News Sunday."

"Every day that goes by, Hezbollah increases their influence and the radical jihadists flow into Syria and the situation becomes more and more tenuous," he said.
Are they really? The people he speaks of don't seem to know what they're fighting for any more than he does. This is exactly why it would be dangerous to even arm the would-be rebels, because they're little different from the Assad regime they're clashing with.

McCain has only proven once more why he wasn't a good fit for presidential candidate back in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. arm both sides and let them kill each other until they're all dead - like a elf=cleaning oven.
