Saturday, May 11, 2013


Looks like the WSJ has been slipping in more ways than one:
Several hundred female Jewish worshipers at Jerusalem's Western Wall were pelted with rocks and bottles by thousands of ultraorthodox Jewish demonstrators outraged by their presence at a part of the site traditionally restricted to men.
Oh for heaven's sake. That's not so at all. They were praying in the women's section (which has less space than the men's section), and not in the men's section. It's the prayer customs that had the Haredis making a tempest in a teapot. Oddly enough, they do acknowledge those parts like the shawls and singing in the rest of the article. Nevertheless, this goof is really foolish of them.

They do say something vital though:
Mickey Rosenfeld, a police spokesman, said that security forces prevented the escalation of violence into a full-scale riot. He said confrontations could be worse next time if a compromise isn't found.
Not exactly. It could be worse next time if the Haredi education system isn't improved and they fail to stop teaching their followers to behave so nastily.

I've never denied that the WoW could be publicity hounds. Certainly not their chairwoman. But the Haredis resorting to violence over something that doesn't involve physical vandalism of any kind are only making themselves look far worse if they keep that up.

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