Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The UK Mail (via Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs) found that one of the murderers in Woolwich also attended a protest against SIOE at a mosque in London:
Standing at the centre of a crowd, wearing a skull-cap and holding a mobile phone, this is Michael Adebolajo on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2009.

He was among hundreds of young Muslims who gathered outside Harrow Central Mosque in North-West London, to 'defend' it against a planned joint protest by the English Defence League and Stop the Islamisation of Europe group.

Even though that event was called off – and despite the mosque's pleas for peace from the Muslim youths – they vented their anger on the police instead.

Officers were pelted with bricks, bottles and fireworks. There were ten arrests.
Read also Pamela Geller's coverage of the EDL march against Islamofascism. It looks like more Britons are beginning to wake up, despite the best efforts of their own MSM to demonize the opposition to the Religion of Peace.

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