Friday, May 17, 2013


At the White House visit Tayyip Erdogan's now made, the Turkish premier went unchallenged by Obama:
President Barack Obama stood silent today when Turkey’s Islamist prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised to boost the jihadi government in Gaza with a visit to blockaded enclave.

“Most probably I would be visiting Gaza in June,” he said according to the translation service provided by the White House.

He said he would also visit the competing Palestinian-Arab government in the West Bank [Judea/Samaria], located around Jerusalem.

“I place a lot of significance in this visit [to Gaza] in terms of peace in the Middle East, and this visit in no way means favoring one or the other,” he said.

The Gaza government is run by Hamas, a jihadi affiliate of Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood movement. Hamas frequently launches terror attack against Jews in Israel, and is classified as a terrorist group by Obama’s deputies.

The numerous attacks, and Hamas’ lack of recognition by other governments, have prompted Israel to keep an arms embargo around the enclave. Israel, however, provides civilian aid and electricity to the inhabitants of the enclave.

Obama did not respond to Erdogan’s comments about Gaza and Hamas, but he repeatedly praised Erdogan’s policies.
Even worse, since that also suggests he's fine with Erdogan reverting Turkey to sharia-based policies. This visit Erdogan made to the White House is a perfect embarrassment for everybody.

1 comment:

  1. I agree this is exactly what I pointed out yesterday Erdogan got Obama's blessing for Hamas contacts.The real looser in this kabuki theatre will be Israel and America.
