Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The UK Independent has a clip about the latest of the riots the Islamists incited in this country for the sake of nothing:
Clashes broke out today between Palestinians marking the Nakba, and Israeli security officials.

The Nakba - or catastrophe - is the annual recognition by the Palestinians of being driven out of what they claim was their land before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. As on previous occasions, violence broke in several West Bank cities and in East Jerusalem, with several people injured and at least 16 people arrested at the Damascus gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.
I'm amazed that the paper is remaining neutral and not trying to back the lie by saying they're right and justified. But there's still plenty of UK propagandists out there who are still more than willing to support this whole contrived libel, when the reality was that many Arabs living in Israel at the time moved out, while many Jews living in the Jerusalem area at the time were driven out of their homes by the jihadist armies that attacked Israel at the time.

Till this day, many Muslims still continue to believe the lies, and are willing to trash their futures by going violent.

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