Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Their premier is pushing the two-state propaganda during Netanyahu's visit:
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to remove obstacles to restarting talks with the Palestinians, as Beijing seeks to bring its growing international influence to bear on the Middle East peace process.

Greeting the Israeli leader at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, Li made no direct mention of his meeting two days earlier with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads his people's efforts to achieve statehood. Talks between Israel and the Palestinians on the statehood issue have been deadlocked for four years, despite pressure on Jerusalem from the U.S., Russia and the European Union, long the major players in Middle East diplomacy.

The Palestinian issue lies "at the core of factors influencing peace and stability in the Middle East," Li told Netanyahu, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. "China expects Israel and Palestine to work together, take substantive measures to remove obstacles and create conditions for the restoration and progress of peace talks."

Li said that as a friend to both Israel and Palestine, China wants to work as a broker to bring the sides together.
Why doesn't he ask Abbas to remove obstacles? And why does he too willingly buy into the propaganda Golda Meir didn't? And why does he consider Abbas fully legitimate?

And Xinhua is one of the worst of the local propaganda outlets their communist machine is powering.

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