Thursday, May 16, 2013


Nothing new, but still something downright atrocious:
LONDON/BERLIN – A British-funded institute in Jerusalem has come under fire for hosting an event supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel (BDS), along with a UN staff member who circulated its details in an official email to co-workers.

In March, the Kenyon Institute, also known as the British School of Archaeology, hosted an event titled “The emergence of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement” – a campaign led by radical anti-Israel activists also known as BDS – at its East Jerusalem headquarters.

The institute is funded by the British Academy which in turn is funded by the British Government and questions have been raised as to why taxpayers have ultimately funded the controversial event.

Charles Tannock, a Member of the European Parliament, told The Jerusalem Post: “I totally oppose the promotion, by a UK taxpayer-funded organization such as the British Academy, of events which aim to promote a ‘campaigning boycott, divestment and sanctions’ anti- Israel event which is aimed at sanctioning a close friend of the UK and a democracy such as Israel.”

It’s equally unacceptable a UN official should be promoting this event through his official email address suggesting possible UN endorsement of this message.”
The Commentator has more, and notes that:
[Suzanne] Morrison's supervisor at the LSE is none other than Dr. John Chalcraft, treasurer of the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine which recently successfully lobbied Professor Stephen Hawkings to boycott the State of Israel.

The Commentator can also exclusively reveal that in a recent e-mail exchange with BRICUP staff, a response came via e-mail not from a BRICUP e-mail account, but from an official London School of Economics e-mail address belonging to Mr. Mike Cushman, listed as Research Fellow and Information and Communication Manager, from an e-mail account named ''.

In addition to Morrison's involvement with the UK government-funded Kenyon Institute, the organisation recently hosted Prof. Alex Callinicos of Kings College London, an avowed Trotskyite who currently serves as the International Secretary of the virulently anti-capitalist Socialist Workers Party in Britain.
Not only are they funding anti-Israelists, they're also funding socialists and Trotskyites. The UK government can try all they like, but they can't hide the fact that they're swindling money from many taxpayers to fund worthless pseudo-projects.

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