Monday, April 15, 2013


As you file your 2012 tax return, remember the mind-boggling information below (hat tip to Asylum Watch, citing this source):

As Asylum Watch points out:
US tax laws allow illegal immigrants to claim tax credits for children who DO NOT LIVE in America.
To the tune of $4.2 billion a year.

Meanwhile, Tax Freedom Day 2013 is April 18, five days later than Tax Freedom Day 2012. Furthermore:
Americans will spend more on taxes than they will on food, housing, and clothing combined in 2013.
More information HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Something seems a little 'off' about this.
    "US tax laws allow illegal immigrants to claim tax credits".
    If they are claiming tax credits then they are filling out a tax return. Said tax return would, surely, include employment details, like the employers name! If employing illegals is illegal then ....

    Something similar happens this side of the pond. European workers claim child allowance for children left at home with grandma. Crazy.
