Monday, April 15, 2013


On a day like this, he had the gall to hold onto his delusions, which is offensive to the victims of terrorism that followed in the wake of the horrific deal:
There are few things that President Shimon Peres regrets. Although there is a large Israeli camp that argues that the Oslo Accords were Israel’s most misguided attempt at peace, Peres disagrees.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Jerusalem Post, the full text of which appears in Monday’s Independence Day supplement, the president contends that the Oslo Accords, signed in September 1993, were not a mistake, because without them, there would be only one Palestinian camp – a camp of terror.

Because of the accords, he says, there is a Palestinian peace camp.
No, there is not. There is only one that believes all Jews should be annihilated, and that's what there always was.

What's he saying isn't just offensive to the memories of people who lost their lives in the terrorist bombings that followed soon after, it's also offensive to American victims who lost their lives in attacks like the 9-11 bombing and even at Fort Hood. And it only shows how in his old age, Peres has failed to admit he's capable of making a mistake, selectively or otherwise.

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