Thursday, April 04, 2013


The judge who made this ruling must have very little respect for the need to keep extremists out of Israel:
PARIS (AP) — A French court has convicted Air France of discrimination for removing a Palestinian activist from a plane as she traveled to Israel to attend a rally.

Patrick Baudouin says his client, Horia Ankour, was en route last April from France to attend a "Welcome to Palestine" rally. Baudouin said Air France asked Ankour whether she was Israeli or Jewish, then ordered her off the plane after she acknowledged she was neither.

He said the court on Thursday found Air France guilty of discrimination, and ordered it to pay 13,000 euros ($16,700) in fines, damages and interest.

Air France lawyer Fabrice Pradon said the airline would appeal. He said the Israelis had told Air France she would not be allowed in and there was no intention to harm her.
Air France did the right thing to push the ejector seat button, and the court is only making things worse by ruling in her favor. The company should definitely appeal.

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