Monday, March 25, 2013


One of the vile Neturei Karta extremists who vandalized Yad Vashem with graffiti last year is now filing a motion in court against the special siren sounded on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Memorial Day for soldiers/terror victims, and denigrating their memories in the process:
An ultra-Orthodox man petitioned Israel’s High Court of Justice to limit the nationwide siren on Remembrance Day so that it sounds only at memorial sites and army bases, calling the siren a “classic characteristic of a dictatorship.”

Elhanan Ostrowitz, who filed the petition, made headlines last year when he was arrested for vandalizing the Yad Vashem and Ammunition Hill memorials with anti-Zionist graffiti. Six months ago he was found guilty of a number of crimes, including trespassing and vandalism.

The siren which sounds for a minute across Israel on Remembrance Day forces people “to stand at collective attention,” in a manner only found in dictatorships, Ostrowitz wrote in his petition. Because of its nature, the siren should only be sounded on army bases and at memorials, so as not to force everyone to hear it, he elaborated.

Ostrowitz said he, “like many of Israel’s citizens,” felt the siren stopped people from freely expressing their opinions and beliefs, and also caused unnecessary panic among the public. The law demanding “all work and traffic be stopped” during the siren is undemocratic, as it hurts the individual’s freedoms of expression, occupation and other basic rights, he claimed.

Most of the people who stand at attention do so “out of fear and against their personal belief,” Ostrowitz argued. Such actions “define dictatorships… [and] Israel is the only place in the Western world, or maybe the entire world, where a siren is sounded in the entire public sphere,” he stated.
The level of insanity these creepy men are full of is as staggering as it's shocking. If he doesn't want to honor and respect the memory of victims of obscene crimes - which include many Haredis too - he doesn't have to, though I think it's a safe bet he won't find a very comfy place in the next world. But to suggest nobody else should remember or learn about these things is offensive and repellent in the extreme, just like his gang's own revolting mindset. If America, France and Greece have a similar concept to remember their own fallen, the sad part is that publicly or privately, he'd denigrate them as well.

Even if the petition is thrown out, the man's abominable behavior is inexcusable. It's time for people like him to be shown the door from this country, and send them to someplace where they can isolate themselves all they want with their vulgar way of thinking.

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