Friday, March 15, 2013


And who makes this argument? The daughter of Shas' spiritual leader, rabbi Ovadia Yosef:
Adina Bar-Shalom, the eldest daughter of Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, said on Tuesday that the lack of English and Mathematics education in haredi schools was a serious obstacle in increasing the numbers of haredim in higher education.

Bar-Shalom established the Haredi College in Jerusalem, the first academic college for haredi men and women in Israel, where students can study for degrees in numerous fields such as computer science, medical science, psychology, social work and others. [...]

The overwhelming majority of haredi educational institutions teaching grade nine and above do not include any secular education in their curriculum at all, focusing instead on religious studies. Girls generally continue with a general education throughout their time in elementary and high school.

There are approximately 7,000 haredi students enrolled in higher education programs, representing a dramatic increase over the last decade but a small percentage of the number of college aged haredi youth.

According to a recent study by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, haredi employment for men has fallen from close to 88% in 1979 to 48% in 2011. The rate of employment for haredi women is approximately 61%, according to the Bank of Israel, with the national average for women standing at 66%.

The new Knesset caucus was established by Yesh Atid MK Dov Lipman, who, together with MK Erel Margalit (Labor), chairs the group.

Lipman said he founded the caucus because of the large high number of requests he received from haredim during the election campaign asking for assistance in matters of employment.

“The time has come for us as the country’s lawmakers along with the government ministers to do more to assist haredim to enter the work force and sustain their families,” said Lipman. “There is a gap between the haredi political leadership and the haredi street, and it is here where we can make a real difference.”

In the previous Knesset, Yoel Hasson, a former MK for Kadima, established a similar caucus in 2012 along with several other MKs, including David Azoulai of Shas. As of yet, Lipman’s caucus does not include any haredi MK members, although he maintains he personally invited all haredi MKs to join.
I think it's pretty clear why they haven't - they're so stuck on welfare they simply cannot wake up and smell the coffee. Aryeh Deri acts vindictive and so do the UTJ leaders, and just at a time when Iran is a problem. Instead of being united, they do their darndest to divide. If they want to set a good impression, they'd do well to join these committees even as opposition members to help better the state of society.

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