Monday, March 11, 2013


The President's chief of staff to the dog gets an annual salary of $102,000!

From this source:
...The executive mansion is not in that much trouble, of course. It’s certainly not in sufficiently dire straits for Air Force One ($181,757 per hour) to be grounded, or to see the executive chef ($100,000 per year) furloughed, or to cut back on the hours of the three full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio), or to limit the invaluable work of the chief of staff to the president’s dog ($102,000 per year), or to trim his ridiculous motorcade ($2.2 million). If Ellen DeGeneres wants another dancercize session or Spain holds another clothing sale, the first family will be there before you can say “citizen executive.” Fear ye not, serfs: Austerity may be the word of the week, but the president is by no means in any danger of being forced to live like the president of a republic instead of like a king....
Millions of Americans are scrambling: low salaries, higher taxes, and rising health-insurance premiums. But those in the Obama White House are living like kings.


  1. As in this country, austerity is for the common folk. The plebs, if you will. The world is divided into those that deserve all forms of luxury (the patricians), and those that do not (the plebeians). It was ever thus. Some are born patricians, others push their way into the circle! Then there are those that are born with halos. They, too, are a law unto themselves.

  2. As Orwell said, "Some animals are more equal than others."

    Maybe it's always been thus, but now we are seeing extremes in that regard.
