Sunday, March 24, 2013


The Florida senate's managed to pass in a panel a previously unsuccessful bill that can help prevent US judges from resorting to sharia:
After it failed last year, lawmakers on Thursday revived a bill that would ban Shariah, or Islamic, law and other foreign laws from Florida courts.

Republican Sen. Alan Hays, who sponsored the bill, said his measure was a "preemptive gesture." There are no reported cases in which a Florida court applied foreign law.
But they ignore any and all of the cases elsewhere in the US that did.
His bill is aimed at divorce and child custody cases and does not mention Shariah, or Islamic law, specifically. The Senate's Governmental Oversight and Accountability committee cleared the bill (SB 58) by a party-line vote of 6-3.

A bill last year passed the House but never was called for a vote before the Senate.

[...] Several Muslims also spoke against the bill, including Moazzam Adnan Raja, a marketing director from Longwood. Raja soon choked up and cried.
"Show some compassion, show us love," he told senators. "We don't want to be called second-class citizens. We want to be accepted."
Well just look at all those cry-babies failing to act like adults. Especially when they happen to be male. All they deserve is serious disapproval and disappointment in their pathetic attitude.

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