Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Pastor Saeed Abedini has been victim of Islamofascism in Iran:
We have just obtained a new letter from imprisoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini written to his wife, Naghmeh, and his family in Iran. In it, as in his previous two letters written inside the brutal Evin Prison, he documents the results of the continued abuse and torture he endures.

This letter, likely written weeks ago, was received by his family just yesterday. Written on the margins of scraps of newspaper, it is only the third letter Abedini has been able to get to his family in the past nearly 180 days of imprisonment and underscores the difficulty of getting any information from Iran about his condition.

Abedini writes that he cannot even recognize himself after all the beatings and torture he has endured: “My hair was shaven, under my eyes were swollen three times what they should have been, my face was swollen, and my beard had grown.”

After multiple beatings in interrogations at the hands of the radical Islamic regime, Abedini wrote that the nurse who was supposed to treat injured inmates told him “‘in our religion we are not suppose to touch you, you are unclean ... Christians are unclean!’” He explained, “they would not give me the pain medication that they would give other prisoners because I was unclean.”

This further confirms the fact that until this week, Abedini had not received any medical treatment. Because of the immense pressure from the international outcry of hundreds of thousands who have demanded his release, Iranian officials have promised him medical treatment, but this new letter sheds light on how difficult it will be to ensure that Iran keeps its word.
The worst part is if the Obama administration remains silent on the poor man's plight. Here is a petition to sign calling for his Saeed's release.

1 comment:

  1. Iran is known for the fact that it does not tolerate Christianity. If you go to Iran to prolestyze, then you can expect bad things to happen. Thus the preacher is getting what he knew would happen, or at least anyone with sense. Our government is not obligated to help out stupid people. But consider this, the man will be mega-wealthy if he is released as he will have a best selling book and be on the speaker circuit for the rest of his life at $10,000 per event at least.
