Friday, February 15, 2013


The chairman of Yesh Atid has stated that he's not in favor of dividing Jerusalem, which contradicts what the MSM would want anyone to think (Hat tip: Commentary):
Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid opposes any division of Jerusalem as part of negotiations with the Palestinians, he said on Tuesday evening.

“Ehud Olmert’s government went too far” in its talks with the Palestinians, Lapid said. “It was wrong when it began discussing issues that bore waiting on, such as Jerusalem and the right of return. I oppose any withdrawal in Jerusalem, which isn’t only a place, but an idea as well.”
And this also puts the lie to the whole notion that most people voted for his party because they support left-wing politics at all costs. It also shows that the public has moved on from obsession with the pseudo-peace process. Obviously, this doesn't mean he's perfect, but this in itself is a step in the right direction and a credible position.

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