Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This is very troubling and angering news, suggesting that a Haredi political party that once had the decency to avoid potentially un-Israeli leanings is now abandoning that path and turning more leftist:
United Torah Judaism is currently considering whether or not to support an aggressive peace agenda, sources within the party told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

The move is likely a ploy by the ultra-Orthodox party to pressure the Bayit Yehudi party and its leader Naftali Bennett into scaling back its rhetoric on the issue of haredi enlistment. [...]

A UTJ official told the Post that the party was considering supporting a raft of measures such as a settlement freeze, the evacuation of unauthorized settlement outposts and the reopening of peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Such a move, he said, would allow the prime minister to form a coalition with left leaning parties including The Tzipi Livni Party and even Meretz, and leave Bayit Yehudi outside of the government.

The source noted that the upcoming visit of US President Barak Obama would likely bring new pressure from the White House to make concessions to the Palestinians, something that his party is now considering supporting.

The UTJ official said that the preservation of military service exemptions for haredi yeshiva students was the single most important issue on the party’s agenda and that UTJ would be willing to compromise on other issues in order to maintain the status quo on haredi enlistment.
Absolutely abominable. They're willing to sacrifice almost everything the Torah their party takes its name from solely for the sake of studying the scriptures that talk all about the importance of what they're now willing to forfeit? In that case, they shouldn't even be calling their party United Torah Judaism anymore, because what they're suggesting goes completely against the Torah, and leads to division amongst everyone else in the religion.

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