Monday, February 18, 2013


The imam Anjem Choundhary was taped giving explanations how to use welfare for funding jihad:
A Muslim preacher has been secretly recorded explaining to followers how to receive government assistance they can use to fund a Muslim holy war.

Calling it a "Jihadi Allowance," cleric Anjem Choundary, 45, has four kids, brings in £25,000, or just under $39,000 U.S. in benefits himself, and says that this is the way it is supposed to work according to Islamic law.
Tragically, such tactics are a key part of Islamofascism, and even now, it's clear the UK government's been willing to provide welfare benefits to quite a few of Choundary's ilk. Which does not bode well for England any more than it does for the rest of the population's own economy.

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