Friday, February 22, 2013


The Danish free speech advocate who was targeted and narrowly escaped assassination by a jihadist disguised as a delivery man has written about his experiences in the Wall Street Journal (via The American Thinker). And he also notes the peculiar obsession the left has of disowning some of their past traits and smearing the right as the embracers:
When I was a young Marxist during the 1960s and '70s, these opinions used to be described as characteristic of the political left. Nowadays the defenders of such positions are routinely labeled as right-wing or as belonging to the "extreme right." Meanwhile, what used to be the left is cozying up to holy men who want adulterous women to be stoned, homosexuals to be hanged, apostates from Islam to be killed, and 1,200-year-old laws emanating from somewhere in the Arabian desert to replace our free constitutions.
Yes, isn't that odd how they've long "reversed" perception of the roles? But truly, the left is still as it ever was, while the right, while neither perfect nor a saint, is branded the sole scapegoat.

It's good to see that the WSJ has given him a place to speak to the American public. Now, is there any chance he'll appear on FOX as well?


  1. I refer to this shift as "inversionism."

    It does seem that the world has gone upside down!
