Wednesday, February 06, 2013


It's not just the female species who get censored in Haredi press pictures. Even feminine products can be digitally erased from their pages:
The haredi sector's daily newspapers, which operate under the strict supervision of a "spiritual committee," have an old tradition of refraining from publishing pictures of women. In the past, they even avoided mentioning women's first names. [...]

Hamodia published a report about a baby who opened a shoe drawer, which blocked the door to the room he was in. He got trapped inside the room and fell asleep – before being rescued by firefighters and emergency forces.

A member of the rescuing force, Asaf Abres of the Jerusalem Fire Department, took a picture of the baby with the drawer and distributed the photo to the media. In the haredi paper, however, it was only published after the graphics department deleted a pair of women's shoes which were in the drawer.

A source in the newspaper confirmed that Hamodia permits the publication of accessories like bags but censors feminine items like clothes and shoes.
That's how far the deleterious fear the Haredi press has of anything feminine can go. They can even censor the mere mention of pork just because it's unkosher, even though nobody said they had to eat it.

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