Sunday, February 10, 2013


Obama Administration Says All Americans Must Have 'Healthy Housing':
( - Under the broad banner of "health," the federal government not only is telling Americans what to eat, it's also telling us to make our homes safer.

This week, the Obama administration released a "bold new vision for addressing the nation's health and economic burdens caused by preventable hazards associated with the home."

The project has a name: "Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action."...
About so-called electrical deficiencies....

This old house (the family homestead) doesn't come up to the county's electrical code. I've had my house inspected by more than one independent electrician. According to these electricians, this house is perfectly safe!

If I had to bring this house up to county code, the entire house would have to be demolished because of the brick-and-plaster structure and the hot-water radiator heat.

So far, the county building-code Nazis allow my husband and me to live here.  The county does, however, forbid our renting the house to any tenant but family.


I have to wonder if "healthy housing" will put a limit on the square footage allowed per occupant. It's not "healthy" for the environment for a couple to own and dwell in "too much square footage," right?


  1. It has been said, "First, they invented Fairfax County, then the federal government."

    The zoning rules in Fairfax County are surreal -- and ever changing so as to tighten the noose around the residents. Those living in Fairfax County are no longer free home owners!
