Saturday, February 16, 2013


The Bulgarian authorities have banished a gang of Hamas members from their country:
Bulgarian security forces on Friday raided the temporary residences of a visiting Hamas delegation in Sofia, and then expelled the officials from the country, Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported.

The Hamas delegation arrived in Bulgaria on Wednesday to present the “Palestinian narrative and expose the false Israeli narrative on the Palestinians and Hamas.” The visit was the first of its kind by Hamas officials to a member of the EU. [...]

Bulgaria later said that it had expelled the Hamas delegation because the terrorists threatened national security, according to Sofia News Agency.

"The four Palestinians expelled from Bulgaria posed a serious threat for national security," Bulgaria's State Agency for National Security said, adding that they had acted in accordance with Article 42 of Bulgaria's Foreigners Act, which allows for the expulsion of foreigners if they pose a threat to public order or national security.
They were fully justified in banishing them based on that concern too. The Hamas delegation shouldn't even have been allowed into the country in the first place, since all they were planning on doing was hatemongering, and there's every chance they'd do it against the Bulgarians as well. That's what the Hamas stands for, just like every other Islamofascist.

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