Sunday, January 06, 2013


Following Deri's suspicious comments from last week, some on the right have now become critical of him, and are warning why it'd be ill-advised to vote for Shas:
"It must be clear to everyone that in the Shas leadership there are voices pushing the party to the Leftist bloc," said Likud MK Danny Dannon. "That is why nationalist camp voters must strengthen Likud-Beytenu and not vote for satellite parties."

MK Uri Ariel, who is second on Naftali Bennett's Bayit Yehudi list, said that anyone who remembers that Deri was "a senior partner in the Oslo disaster that led to thousands of casualties" must not vote for Shas.

"Deri is sending Shas back to the days of Oslo," warned Strong Israel MK Aryeh Eldad. "With Deri, it is hard to say what he is more: Corrupt or left-wing extremist. His diplomatic agenda could once again drown Israel in a sea of blood. Those who know that the land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel must know that voting for Shas could help Israel's enemies and result in the heart of our homeland being given to the Arabs."
Deri is a very bad choice for a politician and whatever he says cannot be taken at face value.

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