Wednesday, January 02, 2013


From the AFP/France 24 (via Jihad Watch):
AFP - An Afghan prisoner murdered his wife when she went to visit him, allegedly because she had been unfaithful after he was jailed for killing her relatives, police said.

Din Mohammad was sentenced to 20 years in prison two years ago for killing his mother-in-law, and his wife's brother and sister in the northern province of Samangan.

Mohammad's wife, whose name has not been disclosed, visited him in jail in the provincial capital Aybak on Monday and was found dead in a small private room used for inmates to see their wives, police said.

Mohammad confessed to her murder, Samangan police chief Ikram Nikzad told AFP.

"Mohammad was told by his mother that his wife had affairs," he said, citing a police investigation.

"When she came to visit him in jail he strangled her with her veil and killed her. They were meeting in a private prison room," he said.

Mohammad's mother has been detained for questioning, Nikzad added.

According to a UN report last month, Afghanistan has made progress in protecting women against violence, but many still suffer horrific abuse 11 years after a US-led invasion brought down the Taliban regime.

Afghan women still endure killings by relatives in the name of family honour, forced marriages and domestic abuses.
Absolutely repulsive. He murdered her family first, and then sent her along with them to the next world. And the most stupefying thing is that even after he took her parents from her, she still maintained faithfulness towards him.

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