Thursday, December 27, 2012


Melanie Phillips has written about how several world governments are making the same grave mistake they did during the Muslim uprising in Egypt:
To an astonishing silence by the media on both sides of the pond, the US along with the UK and a number of European governments is leading the west into an abyss. I have repeatedly noted here that the US, UK and France helped bring to power in Egypt Islamic extremists hostile to the free world, and were threatening to do something very similar in Syria. Now they have indeed done so by recognising the Syrian National Council as the legitimate leader of the Syrian opposition.

The thinking behind this is to designate the al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist group, while supporting the Muslim Brotherhood – which dominates the Syrian National Council -- as a reasonable alternative. But this is the same catastrophic mistake the US et al have made in Egypt. For the Brotherhood are not a reasonable alternative to Islamic extremists hostile to the west. They are themselves Islamic extremists hostile to the west.
And they shouldn't have received any backing to begin with. What western governments who support the SNC are doing is just as damaging to the west as it is to countries plagued by Islamofascism, and sooner or later, the disaster is bound to lead to more.

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