Tuesday, December 11, 2012


According to this report:
Long time chasidic activist Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg was physically assaulted earlier today by a relative of convicted sex offender Baruch Lebovits, who’s conviction was overturned back in April.

According to a reliable source, Rabbi Rosenberg is currently being treated at a hospital emergency room in Brooklyn, after Lebovits’s relative allegedly threw bleach in Rosenberg’s face. Several high ranking chasidic leaders are blaming Rabbi Rosenberg for numerous arrests and convictions of sexual predators living within the Satmar community, including the conviction of Nechemya Weberman earlier this week. Weberman was an unlicensed counselor who sexually assaulted a teenage girl under his care.

This was not the first time that Rabbi Rosenberg was assaulted. Back in 2008 he was stopped on the street several times at knife point while being warned to shut down his hotline in which he provides information in Yiddish regarding how to protect children from sexual predators. It was around this same time he was shot in the head after not obeying the warnings.
Absolutely chilling. Until now, I usually haven't heard of Haredis being accused of murder, or even attempted, but if this is any wakeup call, there are fanatics out there in the Satmar community who are willing to risk tarnishing their image further by making threats against altruistic people trying to help victims and prevent harm to other potential victims. The police should start beefing up patrols around those neighborhoods in Williamsburg to prevent further crimes like that from happening.

The thugs who commited those violent crimes clearly don't honor the 10 Commandments or any other Jewish laws/Halacha. For them, religion is clearly just a pathetic excuse for power dominance.

Update: here's more news on Rosenberg's site, and in the NY Times.

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