Monday, December 03, 2012


Another violation of the ceasefire (Hat tip: The Jawa Report):
There are initial reports of a terrorist attack earlier today in Samaria. A Palestinian resident of one of the villages near Tul Karem deliberately crashed his car into an operational security vehicle. The suspect then began attacking the occupants of the vehicle with an ax. ISA (Israel Security Agency) personnel shot and killed the suspect. Five security personnel were injured in the incident and security forces are continuing to investigate of the surrounding area.

The ISA operations took place in the area of Deir Sharaf (between the towns of Shave Shomron and Einav). The Palestinian car swerved off course and collided head-on with security forces travelling in a military jeep. As a result, the military jeep flipped over with all travelling inside sustaining minor injuries.

Soon after, the Palestinian driver left his vehicle and approached the jeep shouting "God is great." He proceeded to attack those inside the vehicle wounding two. One of the ISA members drew his weapon, shot, and killed the suspect[...]

Since Operation Pillar of Defense, there have been an increased number of hostile terrorist events in Judea and Samaria.
So much for any "truces".

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