Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Major crises/tests are coming very fast

Major crises/tests are coming very fast - and given the fact that we have the same ol' folks in DC calling the shots - Obama, Reid and Boehner -  I think there is no reason to think these impending crises will be met successfully.

And Obama's "flexibility" (his cute term for appeasing the enemy) will make them more likely. On the near-term horizon:

  • Greece - I think the collapse begins 11/16.
  • Sequestration - and I think this leads to the decimation of the US military...
  • as a result: another downgrade of USA debt...
  • and then QE3 - leading to more inflation.
  • And as a result of defense cuts: more  aggressive Chinese hegemony and even the invasion of Taiwan and other islands by China.
  • And also a more aggressive Iran and even a Iranian nuke test within a year.
  • A Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is now inevitable...
  • as is an Muslim Brotherhood abrogation of Camp David.
And that's just the next 12 months!


  1. You don't think Israel is going to attack Iran soon?

    What other option do they have?

  2. they'll have to hit pakistan and teheran
