Friday, November 30, 2012


Grover Norquist, the shady Islam apologist in the GOP, has been sugarcoated lately by at least one writer for Big Government. Why are they keeping on with this nonsense? Robert Spencer's already stressed why it's better for Republicans to avoid this awful man, yet not only they, but even some right-wing writers are continuing with superficial approaches to a man who's opposed discussion of Islam at CPAC. I also don't understand why some leftists might have a negative viewpoint of Norquist if he's taken up positions that they actually agree with, but that's beside the point. What matters now is that it's almost like we're back to square one in regards to Norquist's two-faced approach, and those right-wing writers and politicians who continue to gloss over his shady standings have a lot of explaining to do. Let us be clear: we would all like to pay lesser taxes, but money is still nothing compared to safety, and Norquist is not a good choice for someone to turn to in campaigning for lessening tax prices in economy.

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