Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Canadian MP Irwin Cotler's made a strong proposal in favor of a subject that till now was all but overlooked in the west:
A renowned Canadian lawmaker has proposed a motion in the country's Parliament calling for formal government recognition of some 850,000 Jews forcibly displaced from Arab lands since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

Member of Parliament Irwin Cotler, who has served as Canadian Justice Minister and Attorney General, noted in his motion that by rejecting the United Nation's partition plan of 1947-1948, Arab states had "launched their double aggression of a war against the nascent Jewish state and assaults on their own Jewish nationals, resulting in two refugee populations, Palestinian refugees and Jewish refugees from Arab countries."

He said the time had come "to restore the pain and plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries to the international peace and justice narrative from which it has been eclipsed these past 60 years."

The motion calls on Canada to recognize that since 1948, there have been more than 170 UN resolutions on so-called “Palestinian” refugees, "yet not one resolution that makes any reference to, nor is there any expression of concern for, the plight of the 850,000 Jews displaced from Arab countries."
Unfortunately, he also suggests the following:
It also asks that the annual commemoration by the United Nations of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, held on 29 November, "should be transformed into an International Day of Solidarity for a Two-People, Two-State Solution - as the initial 1947 Partition Resolution intended."
That's the sad part, that he's condoning the very weapon to delegitimize Israel, not to mention that he's legitimizing exactly what Golda Meir tried to make clear is not true - that there was ever a "palestinian Arab/Muslim people".

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