Thursday, October 04, 2012


On the 1st of October 1989, the same year that the Berlin Wall fell, Axel Lundahl Madsen and Eigil Eskildsen were the first homosexuals in the world to be married. They were engaged in 1950, and had been together since 1944. They even changed their last name to Axgil. They helped found the Danish Gay and Lesbian Organisation and a prize - the Axgil - is given in their name. Only problem is that a new book has revealed that Eigil Eskildsen volunteered to serve in a Nazi Uniform in 1943. This isn't the first time Nazism and Homosexuality have been associated.  

"Oh Eigil you look sooo gooood in those tight Hugo Boss lederhosen!"

1 comment:

  1. Bookmarked. That is why they got on so well with the Mozlem woman-hating homos in the arab world, notably the chief arab Nazi, Haj Amin al Husseini and his filthy paedo nephew, Arafat.
