Sunday, October 21, 2012


A plan has been approved to build nearly 800 homes in the Gilo neighborhood, much to the chagrin of the international politicians hostile to Israel. The prime minister's stood up and made clear:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday responded to international criticism of a plan to build 797 homes in Gilo, saying that Israel will continue construction in Jerusalem in the same way that the international community builds in their own individual capitals.

"We place no limits on construction in our capital city," Netanyahu said at the start of a cabinet meeting. "Just as they build in London, Paris, Washington and Moscow, we will continue to build in Jerusalem."

He added: "We have no less historic and strong connection to our capital."

Netanyahu's criticism came after Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman set Israel's "red line" on the issue, saying that that the country will not negotiate with anyone over Jerusalem.

"Jerusalem is not a settlement," Liberman said in his second attack on the EU since its public censure of the plan. "Gilo is a Jewish neighborhood. Today there are 32-33,000 Jews living there. It's an integral part of Jerusalem."
As it's been since remote times. It's high time, long overdue, that the EU shut up and start worrying about their own continent's being overrun by jihadists.

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