Thursday, October 25, 2012


It's not clear whether this corrupt former PM is going to run again for real, but MK Tzipi Hotovely is seeking to bar his return to the Knesset:
Likud Party lawmaker Tzipi Hotovely reportedly petitioned Israel's Central Elections Committee to prevent former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from running for office.

Israel’s Army Radio reported that Hotovely asked committee chair Elyakim Rubinstein, a Supreme Court justice and former attorney general, to disqualify Olmert, the former leader of the centrist Kadima Party, from contending in the upcoming elections because of his conviction in July for breach of trust during a stint as minister of trade and industry. [...]

“It is inconceivable that Olmert be allowed to run for office in this situation, as elections are meant to increase the public’s trust in the political system, not diminish it,” Army Radio quoted Hotovely as saying in explaining her request.
The state attorney's office has already said they'll be appealing the lenient verdict the court gave Olmert. Based on this, that's one more reason why he shouldn't be allowed to run, since there's a legitimate case being made against him, and he shouldn't have immunity from it.

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