Sunday, September 16, 2012


From Canada Free Press, dated September 16, 2012 (with thanks to Will):
Middle East Analysis: WWIII fuse has been lit

After extensive investigation and analysis of the events on September 11, 2012, in Libya and Egypt, there is only one conclusion I am able to reach: the official narrative of the details of these attacks, provided by U.S. officials and parroted by a complicit, unquestioning media, are being deliberately misrepresented with regard to what actually happened.

Simply put, we are being lied to. But it’s much deeper and much more sinister than a simple lie, and it’s not over yet. In fact, what we are seeing is just the beginning....
Read the rest HERE.

If we had a REAL leader and a Commander-in-Chief in the Oval Office, this present crisis would blow over or, at least, subside.

But we DON'T have a real leader who has America's interests as his priority. We have an Alinsky-ite.

Moreover, instead of a Commander-in-Chief, we have a Campaigner-in-Chief, who has as one of his priorites the making of a new world order in the image on anti-Westernism.

November 2012 may well be America's last chance to remain the kind of nation she was intended to be.

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