Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sheldon Adelson Should Make the LA Times an Offer For the Obama/Rashid Khalidi Tape, or Just Buy The LA Times Outright

From Instapundit:
... where’s that Obama/Khalidi tape? Why won’t the L.A.Times release it? Oh, who am I kidding? They won’t release it because it would make Obama look terrible. What other reason can there be? 
UPDATE: Reader Kevin Murphy writes: “The Tribune Company, which owns the LA Times, is still in Chapter 11. Suppose the Romney campaign (or Romney himself) offered the receiver $10 million for the tape. Could they refuse?” I’m sure they’d find a way to stall until November. It would have to be an exploding offer — with a one-week deadline or something. Then failure to take it might be a breach of duty.
Romney doesn't need to be the one to do this.

Sheldon Adelson should make the LA Times an offer for the tape, or just buy The LA Times outright.

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