Thursday, September 13, 2012


Some justice is finally prevailing for Jews who bought a house in Hebron in 2008:
The Jerusalem District Court on Thursday ruled that the State must return a house in Hebron to settlers who were evicted from it in December 2008, stating that they had purchased it legally.

Judge Moshe Baram determined that the Palestinian owner's claim that the purchase agreement had been annulled before it was finalized was not credible. He ordered the Palestinian to pay NIS 50,000 (about $13,000) in legal fees. [...]

The settlers lauded the court's decision and said they were convinced it would pave the way for the return of the Machpelah house to Jewish hands. Settlers were evicted from the Machpelah house five months ago.

"The verdict bolsters our claim that Jews have a right to settle in all parts of the Land of Israel," said Malachi Levinger, head of the Kiryat Arba Hebron Council. "I urge the government of Israel to allow the settlers to return to the house immediately, and at the same time rectify the injustice that was done at the Machpelah house." [...]

Yesha Council head Danny Dayan urged Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "uphold the court's decision and not try to thwart it using various tricks."
I'd say Barak in particular had better heed that advice. After all, he's the one who's really been trying to sabotage property rights.

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