Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Once again, a British politician opens his big mouth:
British Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed “disappointment” on Monday over the Israeli government’s decision to approve the recognition of the Ariel University Center as a full-fledged university.

“I am very disappointed by last night’s decision by the Israeli Cabinet to approve the potential upgrading of Ariel College,” said a statement issued by Hague’s office.

“This would lead to the creation of Israel’s first university beyond the Green Line, in a settlement illegal under international law. It would further entrench the presence of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and create an additional barrier to peace with the Palestinians,” he added.

“This move is particularly regrettable because it comes at a time of rapidly expanding co-operation between UK and Israeli universities, and when the British Government has taken a firm stand against those who seek to undermine Israel’s legitimacy by boycotting educational and cultural institutions,” said Hague.

“I call on the Government of Israel to reconsider its approach as a matter of urgency.”
And I suggest he worry about more pressing concerns, like how his own country's being turned into a hotbed of sharia. Look who's talking, a man who seeks to undermine Israel's legitimacy himself, by selectively declaring Israel's institutions illegal! Hague can say what he likes, but he knows that he's only furthering the lies his own country practically authored to delegitimize Israel's national rights and safety.

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