Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Quite a bit has been written about  the preponderance of Left-Leaning-Liberals in Hollywood - as if this  purported imbalance might explain the apparently high support for Barack Obama among Hollywood personalities, musicians etcetera.  I believe there might be other factors involved that have little to do with politics.  Let's face it - how much do these actors and musicians really know about Politics?!?  Most of the successful ones can't  even wipe their own ass nose without the assistance of  agents, managers and PA's.

If we examine this situation through the lens of SELF-MONITORING we may better understand the Hollywood love affair with Barack Obama, and with the Left.  Self-monitoring refers to the individuals self consciousness of his/her own appearance and behaviour in social situations.   Someone who has a high level of self-monitoring is aware of the signals being sent out by others and is adept at adjusting their own behaviour to "fit in".  Generally, actors have a extremely high level of self-monitoring. Politicians generally have a high level of self-monitoring. I think you would agree that Barack Obama, whose skill at adjusting his message to please his audience  would make a chameleon  turn yellow, is a high level self-monitor.  Hence the strong affinity of Hollywood actors for the actor-in-chief.

The general tendency for high self-monitors to seek social conscensus also explains the statistically small number of people in the Hollywood community who are brave enough to question the accepted beliefs in the community.  You might notice that those who do are successful enough to take that chance...and they may have a lower level of self-monitoring.



    i add one thing about actors:

    they are brainwashed into METHOD ACTING in which totally identify with the character and treat them as good no matter what the character does,

    this training makes them super-moral relativists.

    and moral relativism leads to the road to serfdom.

  2. Very interesting theories from both of you (and yes, I have read that theory from you before, RP).

    Add to these two ideas, the self-evident notion that Actors (being a form of Artist) are caught up in feelings over logic and critical thinking, and I think we may come to a near-complete understand of Hollywood's love the Liberals in general, and Obama in particular.

  3. yup.

    one more thing:

    hollywood was first run by first generation immigrants who loved America.

    now it's run by ingrates who get more income from overseas than the usa.

    so they appease them.
