Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The terrorist who promoted jihad in Afghanistan will finally be delivered to the US from Britain (Hat tip: National Review and Ace of Spades HQ):
Hamza, who lost both hands and an eye fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, is charged in the US with 11 counts relating to the taking of 16 hostages in Yemen in 1998, advocating jihad in Afghanistan in 2001 and conspiring to establish a jihad training camp in Bly, Oregon in 2000–2001.

The American authorities first requested his extradition in 2004 but the process was almost immediately put on hold when Hamza was charged in the UK with 15 offences under the Terrorism Act, temporarily staying the US extradition process.

In 2006 he was found guilty on 11 charges, including inciting murder and race hate, and was jailed for seven years.
They better not let him keep the hooks though. There's no telling what kind of stabbing/cutting damage he could do with those.

The sentence he got in Britain was far too light, but now that he'll be in US custody, we can hope he'll get a much sterner one.

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