Sunday, August 05, 2012


Despite wearing a black belt at the tournament she was entered in, where she wore a hijab courtesy of the IOC's dhimmitude, she's really only a blue belt (Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs):
Wojdan Shahrkhani became the first Saudi Arabian woman to compete at the Olympic Games when she took part in the +78kg judo competition in London.

The 16-year-old had been in the spotlight before her event began as judo officials said she could not wear a headscarf for safety reasons.

Shahrkhani wore a tight-fitting black cap for her bout which ended quickly in defeat by Puerto Rican Melissa Mojica.

"Hopefully this is the beginning of a new era," Shahrkhani said afterwards.

"I was scared a lot, because of all the crowd," she added.

"Unfortunately, we did not win a medal, but in the future we will and I will be a star for women's participation. It was the opportunity of a lifetime."

The contest appeared to be an overwhelming experiencing for the Mecca-born teenager.

Despite only being qualified as a blue belt in judo, she wore the higher black belt to compete.

The two women engaged in a slow-moving fight, a tentative Shahrkhani on the defensive and seeming cautious about attempting to throw Mojica.

The bout ended when the Puerto Rican grabbed Shahrkhani with a secure grip on her collar and flipped her into a match-ending ippon.
So they even made a joke out of judo at the match. She's lucky it wasn't jiujitsu, which is the authentic version of the same art, and could've really done her some damage. But what matters now besides her sad obliviousness to how even her own country's oppressiveness has led to her defeat, is the dishonesty in her entry application and what color of belt she wore, which was not what she'd qualified for. More about this subject at Jihad Watch (via Smooth Stone).

The Olympics really have degenerated into a disaster this year, and who knows what it'll be like next time. "A new era"? Yeah, right.

Update: on a related note, Daled Amos found that 2 years ago, IOC chairman Jacques Rogge was wearing PLO drapes on his shoulders and even criticized Israel during a trip to PLO dominated territory. Now we can understand why this disgraceful coward doesn't want to hold any memorials for the Israeli victims of jihad from 1972.

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