Friday, August 31, 2012


Here's another example of something the vile MSM like the NYT and Wash. Post are bound to ignore (via Atlas Shrugs):
An axe-wielding Palestinian on Tuesday attacked and lightly injured an Israeli man who was part of a group protesting and documenting illegal Palestinian construction in Samaria (the so-called "West Bank").

The incident occurred after a group of Israeli settlers showed up and began taking video footage of Palestinian construction on land near the Jewish village of Maaleh Levona. The protesters noted the construction is being carried out without permits on land not owned by the Palestinians in question.

A verbal confrontation between the two sides soon erupted at the conclusion of which a Palestinian man picked up an axe and struck a young Jewish protester. The attack was caught on film, and shown on Israeli television.

The victim was evacuated to a hospital in Jerusalem with light injuries.

While Israeli courts and the international community regularly crack down on Jewish construction in the West Bank, unauthorized Palestinian construction in the disputed region rarely if ever elicits a response.

In other violence, Palestinian assailants hurled a firebomb at an Israeli bus traveling between Jerusalem and Hebron on Tuesday. The firebomb failed to ignite the bus, and resulted in no injuries or serious damage.
And this will undoubtably receive zero attention from sources like the NYT, or even the London Times, for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. London Times = al Waleed Saudi, but most UK papers have now submitted to pisslam, except Daily Express
