Monday, August 06, 2012


Saw this over at Breitbart, citing New York Magazine, and burst into the laugh of the lunatic:
Mitt Romney’s plan of blatantly lying about President Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech is clearly drawing blood. But what makes the attack work so well is not so much the lie itself but the broader subtext of it....

The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This [meaning, criticizing Obama's you-didn't-build-that remark] strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped onto the national stage, Obama’s deepest political fear was being seen as a “traditional” black politician, one who was demanding redistribution from white America on behalf of his fellow African-Americans....
I can't take much more of this excrement.

In my view, we are not far away from this: "You MUST be a racist if you don't vote for Barack Hussein Obama."

(Hat tip to Bloviating Zeppelin for the graphic in this post)

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