Thursday, July 05, 2012

Leftist Blog Admits Leftism Is Doomed To Fail

I read this blog called Dangerous Minds because it has a lot of interesting posts on Avant Garde music, art, and pop culture.

They are also very Leftist, as so many artists tend to be. 

A guest post from our esteemed, super-smart friend, Charles Hugh Smith, publisher of the Of Twos Minds blog and author of the new book, Resistance, Revolution, Liberation: A Model for Positive Change :
All centralized systems, open and shadow alike, act as heavy taxes on the society and economy. This is why they cannot compete with the forces of networked decentralization. 
The primary “news” narrative may be the failure of the euro, but the master narrative is much, much bigger: centralization has failed. The failure of Europe’s “ultimate centralization project” is but a symptom of a global failure of centralization. 
Though many look at China’s command-economy as proof that the model of Elite-controlled centralization is a roaring success, let’s check in on China’s stability and distribution of prosperity in 2021 before declaring centralization an enduring success. The pressure cooker is already hissing and the flame is being turned up every day. 
What’s the key driver of this master narrative? Technology, specifically, the Internet. Gatekeepers and centralized authority are no match for decentralized knowledge and decision-making. Once a people don’t need to rely on a centralized authority to tell them what to do, the centralized authority becomes a costly impediment, a tax on the entire society and economy. 
In a cost-benefit analysis, centralization once paid significant dividends. Now it is a drag that only inhibits growth and progress. The Eurozone is the ultimate attempt to impose an intrinsically inefficient and unproductive centralized authority on disparate economies, and we are witnessing its spectacular implosion.

The Internet is decentralization made manifest. Such a communications medium is inherently Democratic in form, and thus it will mean the end of promoters of top-down Totalitarian governmental enforcement such as the EU, China, and the "Democratic" Party. 


  1. "The Internet is decentralization made manifest. Such a communications medium is inherently Democratic in form, and thus it will mean the end of promoters of top-down Totalitarian governmental enforcement such as the EU, China, and the "Democratic" Party. "



  2. Right. I was going to get into that subject too. But, it is a very complicated subject in my opinion; complicated by the fact that some companies like Google are already behaving in a Totalitarian manner, even though they have not begun to become as corrupt as they will be. Additionally, as you elude to, there is a huge push to put the internet under the control of some international body, which will probably mean the webs Human Rights initiative will revolve between being administered by countries like Syria, Libya, and the Sudan, just like it's done in the UN.

  3. google has deliberately perverted the search for guns under shopping.

  4. Yeah, they already kind of operating as a de facto nanny state.

    On the other hand, they provide the backbone for this blog.
