Sunday, July 29, 2012


Some brightening news from the Olympic scene:
The Italian Olympic team at the London Olympic Games made a noble gesture Sunday and stood in silence outside the quarters of the Israeli team, in memory of the 11 athletes slain in the Munich Olympics 40 years ago, Voice of Israel radio reported Sunday.

About 30 Italians were present at the ceremony, including Italy's Minister of Sport, the heads of the Italian Olympic Committee and athletes. Israeli Olympic Committee head Tzvi Varshaviak and Olympic delegation leader Efraim Zinger also took part.

According to an unverified report on the internet, the pilot and crew of a British airliner headed for Israel Thursday did what the Olympics Committee refused to do, and observed a moment of silence in memory of the Israel athletes murdered in Munich in 1972.

The "USA Stands with Israel" Facebook page, with over 10,000 subscribers, reported that the heartwarming gesture was made by a pilot for EasyJet, on a flight headed from the firm's home base of Luton, England, to Tel Aviv.
With any luck, there'll be more reps from various other countries who'll do the same as these groups have done, and will provide their own special moments of silence that the official committee doesn't have the courage to do.

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